The anomalous violet-shift of absorption edge of linbo_3 crystals of the solid-liquid congruent point composition 固液同成分点组分的LiNbO3晶体吸收边的异常紫移
The phrasing metaphor is a concept that can have different ways of expressing now: The congruent form is different from the metaphorical form, namely "same points, to point" the paper. 语法隐喻是指一个概念在词汇语法层中不同的体现方式:一致式和隐喻式,即“同一所指,不同能指”。
The α phase is a congruent melting compound, its congruent melting point is 1 190 ℃. The β phase is an incongruent melting compound, its incongruent melting point ( peritectic temperature) is 1 100 ℃. α相是熔点为1190℃的同成分熔融化合物,β相是转熔温度为1100℃的异成分熔融化合物。
The congruent point range and line pencils between two projective planes 两射影平面场的合同点列与线束
Study of the ultraviolet absorption edge of LiNbO_3 crystal solid-liquid congruent point composition 固液同成分点组分LiNbO3紫外吸收边研究